There are some stores around the city where can buy R4 DS, but now the most common way is shopping on website, compare with the original stores, shopping on website makes your shopping much safer,easier. You can choose much more kinds of R4 DS , compare their advantages,price before making an order. Normally, the online shop will provide Free shipping and accept returns.
To buy R4 ds online, you need to pay below points:
1.Make sure they have genuine guarantee.
2.Compare the different R4 DS to choose the best one for your console.
3.Return and refund should be acceptable.
4.Free shipping is another way to save your money.
5.Afer sell service provided: Kernel donwload, upgrade...ect.
Please pay attention to that original R4 DS just can be used for Nintendo DS with max. 2GB TF memory, if you need higher capacity memory, you can choose R4 SDHC. R4i DS can be used for both Nintendo DS and DSi. For those who want to play 3D games, R4i 3DS is the best choice.
Nowdays, more and more Nintendo DS users choose to shopping online go get their R4 DS, choose the correct seller is very important. Follow or consider above keys to shopping better!