
How to separate the different R4i DS?

There are different R4i ds card(Red version) which makes us feel confused, so what's the different? How to separate them? So today let's learn them one by one together.

There are two develop teams of R4i SDHC, both of them use Red version package which are very similar with each other. R4i-SDHC.com team is the original one who published the R4i SDHC red version, up to now, they have below versions on the market:
R4 SDHC(Non-Red version)
R4i SDHC(Stop production)
R4i SDHC V1.4(Stop production)
R4i SDHC V1.4.1(Stop production)
R4i SDHC V1.4.2( Most update version)
R4i SDHC 3DS(New version)
Their kernels are keeping updated.And old version can be upgrade.
Another developer is R4i-SDHC.hk who is new but published the similar products as R4i-SDHC.com, their kernels can be download in their offical website.
When you are planing to buy an R4i DS, please kindly pay attention to the developer(Offical website),this is the only way to seperate them if you just can see the package pictures online.Do not mixed.

